One of the most important and valuable functions of the Splashmetrics platform is to take your buyer journey from planning to execution with as little friction as possible. Even after your journey content is published it’s critical to enable adjustments in reaction to feedback and analytics. Today, in service of these goals, we’re publishing the next major release of our SplashMaker smart content solution! Let’s talk about how we’re continuing to make buyer journeys easier and faster than ever to deploy and update.

Rewritten from the Ground Up

This release of SplashMaker 2.0 represents a full rewrite to a more modern codebase. This means more stability, performance, and reliability. It will also enable us to deliver features and improvements faster!


One-click Sync with Sync Tokens

This release includes a new and improved system that further leverages our SplashLogicAI to sync planning data from the Splashmetrics platform with the sales content. In other words, this revolutionary approach creates a live connection between your self-serve marketing and sales strategy and the actual sales interface with your Buyer – the content. In turn, this means far less work for your content creators to execute strategic sales content, but more importantly, far easier and faster updates via automation as your Splash plan evolves. For example, using the Sync Token will automatically manage the Journey Stage Alignment, the Buyer Data attribution for your CRM, the appropriate RippleScript for precise reporting, etc. It will also pull in the relevant CTA URLs from your Splash plan and automatically render your hyper-personalized CTA links!

Better UI

We’ve also made some changes to the UI so that configuring SplashMaker is easier and more intuitive than ever:

  • Platform Integration submenu items (i.e. Splashmetrics and any CRM add-ons) are now always shown on the SplashMaker menu for easy access
  • The SmartLink Generator has been moved to the relevant CRM add-on since each CRM handles it differently
  • The CTA tools have been removed since that is now handled automatically when syncing with your Splash plan
  • The RippleScript field has been moved to the Splashmetrics Platform Integration page and is automatically filled in when syncing
  • Click-to-copy text fields have an improved tooltip and now show a confirmation when used

What’s Next?

More Powerful Syncing with Automated AI-Driven Content Generation

We think Splash syncing is one our best opportunities to facilitate efficient deployment of your AI-driven sales content. To that end, we’ve added automated generation of Dynamic Content to our roadmap. Your Splash plan already includes Buyer profiles and prompts for your Smart Content, so why not use them to automatically generate the first draft of your Dynamic Content? This will give your content builders a strong start and greatly reduce the time and effort it takes to get your buyer journey up and running!