Monthly Archives: September 2021

What does “Model Agnostic” mean when it comes to your marketing and sales approach?

"Model Agnostic". What does that mean when it comes to your marketing and sales approach? Fortunately, your Buyers are already telling you... At Splashmetrics we specifically focus on the "last mile" of the Buyer journey - where your engaged Buyers begin to evaluate the purchase decision in earnest. We do this because that's where the [...]

By |2021-09-27T09:59:34-05:00September 27th, 2021|How To, Strategies|Comments Off on What does “Model Agnostic” mean when it comes to your marketing and sales approach?

Ayla Networks Launches New Splashmetrics/SplashMaker Initiative

We are proud to announce that one of our valued customers, Ayla Networks, has just launched a new marketing/sales initiative for their IoT solution for ISPs called TransformAI. Why they did it. Ayla Networks have seen the statistics and understand what today's B2B Buyers are doing and what they want. For example, they know that [...]

By |2021-10-20T11:28:23-05:00September 20th, 2021|Case Studies|Comments Off on Ayla Networks Launches New Splashmetrics/SplashMaker Initiative

Is the Buyer Journey and/or Sales Cycle linear or non-linear? Both.

Is the Buyer Journey and/or Sales Cycle linear or non-linear? Both. One of the great things about LinkedIn is being able to engage in conversation with really smart people. For example, I had the privilege of a brief exchange with a SVP of Marketing and Sales - who is right in the middle of this [...]

By |2021-09-22T12:24:38-05:00September 14th, 2021|How To, Strategies|Comments Off on Is the Buyer Journey and/or Sales Cycle linear or non-linear? Both.

SplashMaker can set your agency apart

Whether you're a marketing/sales agency or Fractional-CMO firm tasked with helping your client businesses realize more revenue and ROI from their ABM efforts - the smartest thing you can do for them is to get them smarter content. Why? Because Buyers demand it. Watch our 4-minute video to clearly see how SplashMaker, the world's first [...]

By |2021-09-22T11:42:59-05:00September 7th, 2021|How To, SplashMaker, Strategies|Comments Off on SplashMaker can set your agency apart

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