Take a look at the stats in this image to get a sense of the value that Splashmetrics can provide your business.

As is clear, virtually all B2B businesses now recognize the critical value of content to the bottom line…to the point that we now deem it a BUSINESS ASSET – no longer just a marketing asset.

More importantly, we know that if we have a clearly documented content marketing strategy that informs and unifies our marketing/content/sales teams and efforts, we can see up to a 6X increase in conversion rates. That’s right, 6X.

YET, only 30% of companies out there do any kind of pre-initiative strategic planning at all. And those that do are still using antiquated tools like spreadsheets, flowcharts, and whiteboards. You then have to wonder how effectively they are measuring the results and ROI of these efforts, and whether they have clear answers to the most important questions a business has?

So if you’re wondering what value Splashmetrics can immediately bring to your business, start with the stats. They’ll tell you what you’re leaving on the table. And we’ll show you exactly how Splash can solve that problem.