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Helping Businesses Deal With the Massive Shift to Digital

The info below from Demand Gen Report's 2020 Content Preferences Study is why we are offering our free Buyer Journey Flow Planner to help businesses deliver on this clear demand at this critical time: During a time of “social distancing,” where in-person engagement and education is being replaced with digital alternatives, content has become an [...]

By |2020-11-07T18:59:32-06:00April 7th, 2020|How To, Strategies|Comments Off on Helping Businesses Deal With the Massive Shift to Digital

How B2B Marketing and Sales Have Changed

I came across a great blog post (and asset) by Seismic regarding how B2B buying has changed. Here are some highlights that you should be thinking about and, more importantly, planning for: Sales used to own the sales cycle. No more. Buyers have grabbed control. Gartner says that they get 57% of the information they [...]

By |2020-11-07T18:59:32-06:00March 3rd, 2020|Strategies|Comments Off on How B2B Marketing and Sales Have Changed

3 Critical Considerations

When strategically planning your B2B content marketing initiatives there are many tactical considerations necessary to inform your marketing, sales, and content teams as they execute the plan. And these aspects are obviously important. However, if you truly want these efforts to deliver optimal sales and ROI, what needs to be at the heart of all [...]

By |2021-09-22T15:41:54-05:00February 15th, 2020|Strategies|0 Comments

What are you leaving on the table?

Take a look at the stats in this image to get a sense of the value that Splashmetrics can provide your business. As is clear, virtually all B2B businesses now recognize the critical value of content to the bottom line...to the point that we now deem it a BUSINESS ASSET - no longer just a [...]

By |2021-09-22T15:35:36-05:00January 28th, 2020|Strategies|0 Comments

Are you an 80%er?

One of the best resources we’ve seen for following B2B marketing statistics and trends is Paul Denham. Among his many relevant and helpful posts is this one reviewing 5 critical drivers important for future success with inbound marketing. Survey respondents indicated how their businesses expect to improve their effectiveness in each area by 2022. Let’s focus [...]

By |2021-09-22T13:26:41-05:00January 21st, 2020|Strategies|0 Comments

The Growing Need for Better Strategic Tools

I came across a great new ABM study today from Demand Gen Report. For businesses to reach the goals and objectives outlined in this report; PRIOR to launching these expensive B2B marketing initiatives, senior marketing execs need better ways to strategically plan, manage, and measure their downstream tactical marketing content, teams, and platforms. Take this line [...]

By |2020-01-22T02:12:57-06:00October 3rd, 2019|Strategies|0 Comments

The CMO Should Be The CBA

There has been a lot of talk recently about the shifting role of the Chief Marketing Officer, with several large companies doing away with the CMO role altogether and moving toward a more technical approach to marketing and sales. Coming from that more technical side of marketing myself, I see this as a positive and inevitable shift…purely because [...]

By |2021-09-22T13:25:02-05:00April 17th, 2019|Strategies|0 Comments

Closing the Critical Gap in Your Buyer Journey

This icon is at the heart of what Splashmetrics is all about…because this is what content should be. Statistics show that most B2B Buyers today want you to deliver a personalized package of content that they can self-progress through all the way to a purchase decision. And they’re typically going to give you no more than 5 touches [...]

By |2021-09-22T15:31:46-05:00February 12th, 2019|Strategies|0 Comments

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